A sadhaka, song-writer, and ethno-mixologist inspired by many cultures around the globe delivers a fun yet powerful spiritual journey through his music and sets. An eclectic mixture of sounds from soundscaping frequencies and healing vibrations, to mantra and medicine music, infused with ethnic rhythms and deep bass. Inspired by the 5 Rhythms of dance he is an avid believer in the healing properties of movement medicine.
"Pranava is the primordial vibration of the universe aka "the cosmic sound. A name that was bestowed upon me by Hindu monks while traveling through India on a spiritual journey many years ago. Pranava is far beyond a single being or individual form it is omnipotent. A name and sound that unites us as we gather together singing and chanting the many names of the divine, celebrating life and dancing to the rhythm and beat of the indigenous cultures around the globe."
Influences: Raio, Mose, Equanimous, Yemanjo, Murray Kyle, Savej, SOOHAN, Xavier Rudd, Krishna Das....